Women in Purple


a film by Pierre Mann, 52'Bushmen and Himba in the Namibian desert, Randille and Turkana in northern Kenya, all are weakened by the modification of their environment and by the modernism that invades them...

Women in Purple gives a voice to the women of these ethnic groups. Hineanda, Konjoura, Uasuta talk about their happiness, their frustrations and their relationships with men: Hineanda, an elderly woman, is the widow of the village chief. She tells of her relationship with her husband, of whom she was the only wife. Kondjoura, the first of Tjambiru's three wives, talks about her childhood, up until her marriage. She talks about the problems associated with polygamy. Uasata is a young bride abandoned by her husband. But he has to recognise her child. Funny, sometimes disarming, they want to keep their identity and their culture. Through their testimonies, they reveal their traditional way of life, the meaning of the traditional rituals and the immemorial gestures of the tribe and show great dignity.

technical data:

52 minutes
camera Pierre Mann
sound Sabine Trensz
editing Martin Mauvais
mixingGrégoire Deslandes
voiceOlivier Piechaczyk
music traditionnal  Turkana and Himba
production de Visu productions
supports Région Alsace, Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg with CNC, département du Bas-Rhin
distribution dora films
